Saturday, August 18, 2007


300. I have now seen the movie twice. The second time was better for me. The first time I watched it was with Julie. The second time was with other men. (Can I get a little grunt from the back?) Perhaps the viewing audience I shared the experience with swayed my view.

Doubt it.

I would have liked or disliked the movie as much as I did the first time regardless. I pressed play expecting 300 to have a story -- a plot -- a building anticipation for the battle. Instead I saw mostly-naked men jump out of the woodwork and start banging on things with shields and swords.

My artistic side kicked in. "What is your motivation?"

The second viewing was much more balanced. I began to see the symbolism and the tale of virtue. Here is a small army that has trained for nothing but battle. Why should there be a build up to fighting? It's what they do before they learn to walk.

What inspired me most was not the willingness or ability to fight for their freedom but the willingness and ability to die for their freedom.

Living largely in a Christian surrounding and being a Christ-follower myself, I find it rare to meet someone who is willing to fight or even die for their faith ... for their freedom. Why is that? What is the motivation for not fighting or dying? Or is there a lack of motivation to fight?

Jesus calls us to lay down our lives for him. Granted, as Paul says in Romans 12 we are to "offer [ourselves] as living sacrifices" -- that is a living dead thing. Not a zombie, but a living being - I mean really living.

I find myself inspired by a movie I at first disliked in comparison with a section of scripture I have often misinterpreted. I suppose real living comes from a continual awareness and readiness to die.

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